Eye Of Ra
Eye Of Ra - free mason society counted already 60 000 members around the world. Our society founded for webmasters - people that working and earning cash in Internet. We trying to bring the light to the darknes.
Dogmat of society:
1) Fight only for your own freedom!
2) You must be a webmaster! This is society of enlightened people.
3) No sympathy for the corrupt authorities!
4) Always stay free: Do not serve any goverment! Do not practice religion, this is a lie!
5) Despise all other Freemasonry Communities! They carry a false truth that does not correspond to our dogma of true freedom!
6) Always support other members of "Eye Of Ra"! They are your true brothers!
7) Any exception to the basic dogmas can only be approved by the Grand Master according to the situation!
8) Always remember: If there is GOD, no man can speak on his behalf!
9) You can always keep the secret of belonging to the community! Our dogma contradicts all the false beliefs of the world!
Quick Links to contact 33 rank masters: